Schedule of Events | SpeakersSponsor | 
Registration | Hotel
 | Zoom Quick ReferenceContact

The Summer 2024 Committee Meeting Series will be held from Monday, September 9 to Wednesday, September 11. These meetings will be hosted in person at the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis in Indianapolis, Indiana, and will be made accessible virtually via the Zoom web-conferencing platform for anyone who cannot attend in person.
The registration link below will take you to the registration form for the meeting. Materials will be provided only to registered attendees approximately one week prior to the meeting, as well as on-site.
Please contact ARMA Headquarters at [email protected] if you have any questions.

All ARMA meetings are conducted in accordance with ARMA’s Antitrust Compliance Policy. By registering, you are indicating your agreement to adhere to this policy. Click here to review. 


Rooms are available at a discounted rate for ARMA attendees until Wednesday, August 14, 2024. If you are attending this meeting, please make sure to reserve your room by that date. ARMA and the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis do not guarantee room availability after August 14th. 


Schedule of Events

All times are in Eastern Time

Monday, September 9: ARMA Working Sessions
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Registration, Regency EF Foyer
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Communications, Marketing, Education Committee (CMEC) Meeting, Network
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Measurement Working Group (MWG) Meeting, Regency EF
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Technical Committee (Codes Working Session), Regency EF


Tuesday, September 10: ARMA Speaker Sessions
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration, Regency EF Foyer
7:00 am - 8:00 am Breakfast, Network
8:00 am - 10:00 am Technical Committee (TC) Meeting, Regency EF
10:00 am - 10:30 am Morning Break
10:30 am - 11:15 am "Sustainable Waste Management Solutions" presented by Randall Gregory, Geocycle, Regency EF
11:15 am - 12:00 pm "Retrofitting Buildings with Solar-Reflective Roofs and Walls and its Impact on Peak Power Demand" presented by André Desjarlais, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Regency EF
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch, Network
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm "FRSA Activity Update" presented by Mike Silvers, CPRC, FRSA, Regency EF
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Asphalt Roofing Recycling Committee (ARRC) Meeting, Regency EF
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Afternoon Break
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Formaldehyde Task Force (FTF) Meeting, Regency EF

Each attendee is required to provide acknowledgement of their company’s ARMA IH Database Program Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in advance of this meeting. This is a one-time requirement; if you previously provided NDA acknowledgment, no further action is needed. If you have questions contact [email protected].

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Reception, Network


Wednesday, September 11: Health, Safety & Environment
7:30 am - 12:00 pm Registration, Regency EF Foyer
7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast, Network
8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Health, Safety, Environment Committee (HSE) Meeting, Regency EF

8:45 am - 9:30 am: "OSHA Defense Strategies" presented by Jaslyn Johnson, Ogletree Deakins
9:45 am - 10:30 am: "Fenceline Monitoring" presented by Scott Adamson, CCM, Trinity Consultants
10:45 am - 11:30 am: "Climate Disclosure Obligations for ARMA Companies: A Work in Progress", John Nelson, Procopio
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm: "Digging into the ARMA IH Database Program" presented by Miriam Higginbotham, ARMA
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm: "ARMA HSE Regulatory Update" presented by Miriam Higginbotham, ARMA

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Lunch, Network




Scott Adamson, CCM
Trinity Consultants
View Bio
André Desjarlais
Oak Ridge
International Laboratory
View Bio


Randall Gregory
View Bio
Jaslyn Johnson
Ogletree Deakins
View Bio


John Nelson
View Bio
Mike Silvers, CPRC
View Bio



Sponsorship Packages are Available Until August 26th!
CLICK HERE to Become a Sponsor!


Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Full Meeting Co-Sponsor
Specialty Granules
Full Meeting Co-Sponsor


3M Industrial Mineral Products Division
Lunch Sponsor


Meeting Materials

Communications, Marketing, Education Committee (CMEC) Materials Coming Soon
Technical Committee (TC) Materials Coming Soon
Technical Committee Codes (TCC) Materials Coming Soon
Asphalt Roofing Recycling Committee (ARRC) Materials Coming Soon
Health, Safety, Environment Committee (HSE) Materials Coming Soon


Zoom Quick Reference For Virtual Attendees

When logging on to Zoom sessions, please note that ARMA must be able to identify you by first name, last name as well as company name if you are not a regular ARMA participant. Once you enter the meeting please make sure your screen name is clearly stating your first and last name as well as your company name. You can change this information by hovering over your screen name in the attendee list, selecting more, and then clicking rename.

If you are planning to dial in by phone, please email Karin Travitz, [email protected], and let her know which number you will be calling from.

If we are unable to identify you, you will be removed from the meeting.

*The Zoom toolbar can be found by hovering over the bottom of the Zoom screen with your mouse.

If you experience technical difficulties at any time, first try leaving the session and join again. If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact Karin Travitz, [email protected].

  • If you are able, please log on to sessions via a laptop or desktop computer. When you enter into the session, make sure your name appears as your own, so ARMA Staff can easily identify you.
    • To change your name, click on the “participants” button in the middle of the Zoom toolbar. From there, find your device (you are listed first when you log in—if not look for “me”). Hover over the name and select “More” to the right, and then Rename.
    • If you dial in by phone, please type into the chat your name and company

  • All participants will be muted upon entry as to not cause disruption to speakers and other conference attendees

    • To unmute for questions or input, go to the microphone button on the left side of the toolbar. Here you can click on and off to mute and unmute yourself.
    • NOTE: During Speaker sessions, speakers will announce how Q&A will be conducted. Please do not unmute your microphone unless otherwise prompted by the speaker/ARMA Staff.

  • Your camera is located next to the microphone. You have the option to have your camera on for attendees to see you or you can turn your camera off

  • To chat with other attendees and/or to ask questions, use the chat button located in the center of the toolbar.

  • To leave a session, go to “Leave Meeting” at the far right of the toolbar

For more questions about the Zoom conferencing platform, contact [email protected] or visit